UWCSEA (Dover Campus)
With more than 3,000 students of 83 various nationalities, United World College of South East Asia (Dover Campus) is an international institution in Singapore offering high levels of academic success and at the same time giving back to the community through meaningful services. Their primary education is divided into infant school which is from K1 to G1 and junior school which involves students from G2 to G5. In their Middle school from G6 to G8, students are engaged in not only academics, but services, outdoor education, personal and social education, and activities which could help their growth as an individual to be responsible and civil in the community. For their high school programmes, students from G9 to G12 are trained to be well prepared for their next stage in life. Dover campus provides a residential experience for students from G8 to G12 to stay during their education with them. This initiative has brought back positive feedbacks from parents as they see the self-independence and discipline in their own children.
Detailed Information
EDUCATION LEVEL : Pre-SchoolPrimarySecondarySenior/HighSupporting Learning Challenges
CURRICULUM : School Specific Curriculum
Annual Fees
Social Media