Hokkaido International School
Hokkaido International School is a private, coeducational day/boarding school offering a Western-style education from pre-school through high school for students of all nationalities. English is the language of instruction. The school has an enrollment of approximately 190, with approximately 90 students in the secondary school and approximately 27 in the graduating class of 2020. Students represent approximately 30 different nationalities. Hokkaido International School was founded in 1958 and is the only accredited international school on the island of Hokkaido. HIS started a second, elementary school in the town of Niseko in 2012.
Detailed Information
EDUCATION LEVEL : NurseryPre-SchoolPrimarySecondarySenior/High
Annual Fees
Community Leadership Positions, Orienteering, Cooking and Nutrition, First Aid, Emergency Snow Shelters, Ski/Snowboard Maintenance, Avalanche Rescue Techniques, Cross-country Skiing, Snowshoeing, Book Studies, Trip Planning, Rappeling and Belaying, Rock Climbing, Leading Activities for Middle School and/or Elementary students, Hiking, Camping
Social Media